Here on Businessidea2.blogspot.com , you will find quality tutorial about online earning tricks, Blogger SEO. And there are few ideas to get start business at home with small or no capital on my site.

About me: 
My name is Saira. I entered in the blog sphere since 2014 but in the early days of blogging and online earning i did many mistakes as every other newbie.
I copied many other's content from their blog without knowing about plagiarism :P. Later i realized how to do work on blogger to earn money.
I choose blogger platform and WordPress to get start because blogger is much more friendly for every newbie.
I have no diploma in computer but i have learnt everything here by watching tutorial and reading on websites.You can also do it .
If you need my help regarding earning tricks then feel free to ask. I am always free. :)


  1. Dear Saira if copy right strike comes on youtube channel then in case does earning of that youtube account stop


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