Friday, June 17, 2016

SEO For Blogger With Video Part 1 Tutorial 2016

 Hey Guys, Today i will let you know how to make blog on blogger. I will likewise let you know how to blogger title and depiction SEO for better internet searcher rankings. After the end of this article you will have the capacity to: 

> Create New Blog on Blogger 

> Set Title of Blog for Better SEO 

> Set Description of Blog for Better SEO 

Create New Blog On Blogger:

To make blog on blogger you should take after the guidelines given underneath. 

Go to 

Login with GMail account.

Select Blog Name And Blog Address

Click On Create Blog

Presently you have effectively made your web journal in minutes. 

Note: You should choose a title which people groups are hunting down. Your title and address will be same. On the off chance that you utilized diverse title and Address then it won't rank for that specific watchword. 

Blogger Title and Description SEO :

Title and portrayal assumes the principle part in positioning any page. In the event that you have not advanced your website title and depiction then you should instantly streamline your title and portrayal to pick up rankings in google and other web search tools. To include depiction in blogger, you should take after the guidelines given beneath. 

Go to your web journal Settings > Basic Tab. 

Put your 150 characters depiction there.

On the off chance that you do the settings of your blogger, which i let you know above then you will rank in web indexes. In the event that you have any issue don't hesitate to get in touch with me or remark beneath. You can likewise watch video to comprehend the Blogger title SEO and Description SEO. Watch the video given below to add custom robots.txt 

SEO For Blogger 2016 Part 1 In URDU:

By including custom robots.txt in blogger can expand odds of getting your online journal positioned in significant hunt motors. This will build your site SEO and will brag the rankings of site. 

How to Add SEO Friendly Custom Robots.txt? 

As a matter of first importance Go to > Dashboard > Blog Settings > Search Preferences > 

There is a title: Crawlers and Indexing. 

Under that title, There is a case called: custom robots.txt 

Simply watch that radio catch and glue the code given beneath. 

Presently Click on Save.

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-ageant: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Replace the red part (blogname) with your blog name.


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